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Connoisseur's Choice in Luxury Living

Cathryn Jenkins

Posted in Art, Profile

Sculpting came naturally to Cathryn Jenkins, who grew up in the small mountainous town of Revelstoke. In an artistic household, Cathryn remembers her mother, Fran Jenkins, carving small chunks of soapstone in the kitchen. The stone came from the local mountains, prospected and quarried by her mother. Jenkins could not leave the stone and tools alone, and began her career as a sculptor in her early years.

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Cassandra Tondro – Green Art

Posted in Art, Home Style, Profile

“I discovered leftover house paint, which is available in abundance and would otherwise go to waste. The concept of using discarded materials intrigued me. I had never worked with latex paint before and I had to develop new techniques and styles, but now I prefer it over the traditional paints used for fine art.”

“I like it when my paintings appear to have come together effortlessly, as if created by serendipity. It’s not always easy to achieve that spontaneous effect!”

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